Category Archives: Awakening Church Updates

Christians and Power

As a Christian and most Christians would agree, that everything is about Jesus. If so, then why do Christians get so caught up in a power struggle with the world? When it comes to politics, abortion, LGBTQ rights, and more, we put on this heroic cape that if we change the world, we have won a nation back to God.

But is that necessarily true?

Sure, from an Christian ethical standpoint, there are things my tax dollars go towards that I might not agree with. At the same time however in the Graeco-Roman world, while the early Christians were under the governance of Rome, there was the practice of Emperor worship. Caesar demanded to be seen as a deity/Lord (Kyrios). Would you support Emperor worship? Would you pay taxes in support of this so called deity using your money? Even if did not align with your Christian values? But the thing is this, the early disciples, followers of Jesus for the first 300 years were not concerned about trying to fix the world. The world will always be the world. After all, Jesus says, in Matthew 18:36, “My kingdom is not of this world…” The first believers weren’t about pushing for laws that would dictate action. They weren’t about correcting the brokenness of this earthly kingdom. They simply just tried to live ANOTHER kingdom.

It was by the way they assembled, gathered the Ekklesia. Everything that Jesus taught, modeled, had them practice, sharing life with them and preparing them all for the moment when His physical presence would be gone from the earth, were the things they held onto. The believers literally saw themselves as brothers, sisters, mothers (Matthew 12:49-50). So deep was their koinonia which embodies the English words fellowship, sharing, contribution, partnership was what you find in Acts 2:42-47, where nobody had a need. You have a special gathering unlike any gathering in the Graeco-Roman world, where you have slaves, the poor, the rich, women, sharing all things, a giving people, being the BODY of Jesus, loving their neighbors, and partnering in this gospel life together. In the Graeco-Roman world, it was typical for people of the same status to gather together. This gathering was counter-cultural, became so attractive to the world, that others were dying(literally at times) to be a part of it. That’s what caught people’s attention. That’s why numbers were added daily (Acts 2:47). We have documents of these Christian’s paying for each other’s funerals, caring for their own poor, their sharing/giving nature, and even their common meals together would remind them of Jesus’ breaking of bread, “This is my body, which is given for you…” would remind them that they have are now ONE body, JESUS’ body. The early followers of Jesus simply were so drawn by Jesus, His life, and His kingdom, that they just wanted to tangibly live it out.

It was not until the rule of Constantine (306-337AD), when Christians were made into the official religion of the Roman Empire that Christians began to mix the simplicity of just following Jesus with the world and power. When Christians got a little taste of power, they got caught up in it. Instead of focusing on living Jesus’ kingdom life, we now are fighting the world, as the world fights.

Isn’t it interesting that in God’s kingdom it is never about grabbing a hold of power but instead releasing it? Isn’t it interesting that Jesus Himself kenosis empties Himself, to where He has all the power in the universe but chooses not to abuse His power, but instead becomes a doulos, a slave/servant to all (Philippians 2:6-7) as an example for His followers? Isn’t it even interesting that when Jesus calls His followers to be, “…brother, sister, and mother”, He leaves out father? In the Graeco-Roman world, as the pater familias, whom was the head of the household had the authority, power, and the final say in all things. Jesus was going against a simple power-structure of the world. Jesus Himself replaces the idea of pater familias in the world. This power in normal living was at many times abused, which I won’t go into detailed documents here, but ultimately JESUS becomes the perfect pater familias/Father/Head of His body! Jesus, countering the ways of the Pharisees in Matthew 23:8-11 says, “But you are not to be called rabbi, for you have one teacher, and you are all brothers. And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven. Neither be called instructors, for you have one instructor, the Christ. The greatest among you shall be your servant.” We were never meant to take positions of power, have dominance and to be over others. We are all simply broken people, equals, with different gifts from God, just brothers, sisters, and mothers living out the life Jesus had given us. We reserve titles of power like head, leader, Father, for Jesus.

Even the concept of servant-leader which eventually became a book, that started from one man in 1970 by the name of Robert K. Greenleaf, gained traction. It also picked up for Christians. The problem is this. In the New Testament, Jesus simply just calls us to be a servant, a slave, a doulos. Why do we have to attach to ourselves a position of power (leader) when all the titles of power should be reserved for Jesus? Now don’t get me wrong. I believe fully in the leadership gift like the many other spiritual gifts found in the New Testament. However, there is a difference between the functioning of a gift and title/position because of a gift, which elevates a gift above others. A title/position naturally gives power over others. Whenever you have fallen human beings with power over others, naturally there will be misuse. Jesus is the only one that is perfect, worthy of all the power, to where He would never abuse the power He holds. Followers of Christ should not be so concerned with the worlds way of power. The mother of James and John came to Jesus with a request concerning power. She asks Jesus if her sons could while in the kingdom take a high position next to Jesus, to His left and to His right. Now you have got to see what Jesus says here in Mark 10:42, “And Jesus called them to him and said to them, “You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant diakonos, and whoever would be first among you must be a slave doulos of all.” A comparison of the worlds power and the releasing of power found in His kingdom. God had always intended for Himself to be the one and only king, the one that is to be worshipped, the one that holds all the power, the authority, and having the highest position. It was not intended for imperfect human beings. Even when the Israelites looking towards the worlds ways of power structure in the Old Testament, wanted a king like other nations, look what God says in 1 Samuel 8:4-7,

“Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah and said to him, “Behold, you are old and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations.” But the thing displeased Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And Samuel prayed to the Lord. And the Lord said to Samuel, “Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them.”

When looking at the other nations, Israel wanted a king. This was not God’s desire for in fact, God tells Samuel to obey the voice of the PEOPLE, because they had REJECTED GOD as king. God had always wanted for Himself to be the only King. Again, it gives perspective to the world’s power and the way the kingdom functions. Perhaps we may need to rethink our methods in reaching out to the world. Is it through the worlds way of power, or is it simply just being transformed by Jesus and desiring to live the kingdom life – to live as brothers, sisters, and mothers, sharing, serving, loving, becoming a slave doulos, and showing another kingdom that releases power.

power over others


Official Launch 9/2/2018

Hello Friends!

For the last month, as we were testing our launch services just to make sure we had everything that we needed, we realized that we didn’t need much. It’s not about the space, the equipments, the microphones, stands, speakers, and etc. Paul reminds us in Romans 12:4-8 that the people are the church. Wherever the people are, the church is. We are one with various gifts that are meant to be shared/utilized for His kingdom. While it was such a blessing that God provided us with an affordable celebration space, we continue to remember that we really don’t need that much. As long as we function as the church, continue to grow as kingdom family in word, prayer, maturity, depth, and in deed, that is more than enough. Sometimes we can get so caught up in quick results and the grandeur of what church ought to look like through our American cultural lens that we tend to forget that Jesus was quite the opposite. Jesus as a King in all His power and status chose to come without the expectation of being served but to serve. Instead of making a grand entrance on a stallion, Jesus instead rides on a donkey. Instead of subjecting imperfect people in all their sins to death, He instead gave up His own life. Instead of taking the highest seat, He taught us take the lower one. On and on throughout Jesus’ life, you can see such examples of humility/servanthood that are quite the opposite of “grandeur” which demands attention. Instead of our churches striving to look like a Drake concert, which in the worlds eyes, would be considered a success, why not we as Christian’s just simply imitate Jesus where we are. Success is not the grandeur. Success is being Jesus’ body where we are, and in humility, serving one another and others. In Awakening, we just want to follow Jesus the best that we can.

Join us for our newly launched church plant this week on Sunday. We look forward to meeting you and everyone is welcome!

Location: Super Lake Hotel
36-31 Prince St, Flushing, NY 11354
2nd FLR. Breakfast Room
Time: 2:00PM
Date: September 2, 2018

Awakening Church Launch!

Hello Everyone!

As you may or may not know, Awakening has been planning to church plant for about a year already. The goal of this plant is to reach more people with the message of Jesus’ love, to serve the community, local and global, and to live as authentically as we can as the Body of Christ. However, due to some unforeseen circumstances, we have now kicked our planting into high gear. God has HIS timing so we trust in Him. Our church may be filled with young adults, the odds of our success may look slim, but we are reminded that God is able to use anyone at any age. God always proves Himself to be faithful. We are the ones that are at times faithless. God reminds us that in:

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

In all things, our faith is in Jesus, and in Him alone. We trust that He will move us in the right path, as long as we set our eyes on Him.

We have been settling into our new space this month, seeing the needs of the church as we adjust, and finally launching to the people of Flushing in September 2nd of 2018. Keep us in your prayers. We believe in the power of God, when His people come together in Spirit to lift up a concern. Pray that God would work mightily in Flushing. Pray that Awakening would be Jesus’ body/hands/feet where we are. Pray that as we embark on this new journey, we continue having faith in Jesus.

Our Vision for the Awakening Church Plant is to:  Love God, Love People and Live Church
Our Core Values are: Celebrations (Sunday Service) Church Groups (Groups that covenant under New Covenant living)  and Community Needs (Local/Global Ministries)

First Launch:

Super Lake Hotel
36-31 Prince St. Flushing, NY 11354
2nd Flr. Breakfast Room.
September 2, 2018 @ 2:00PM


1. PRAY with us and PRAY for us! We could use as much prayer as possible!

2. You can bring about a fragrant offering to this ministry from your hearts! 
See possible options below:

  • Check: Written out to, “Awakening of Faith Bible Church” ( Mail to: ATTN: Jeddy Hao, -133-25 37th Ave, Flushing, NY 11355 )
  • Chase Quickpay: Send to:
  • Venmo: @AwakeningChurchNYC
  • Cash ( Mail to: ATTN: Jeddy Hao, 133-25 37th Ave, Flushing, NY 11355 )

3. Join us on September 2nd at 2:00PM for our launch!

4. Send our church letters of encouragement!

  • a. Email:
  • b. Snail Mail to: ATTN: Jeddy Hao -133-25 37th Ave, Flushing, NY 11355

5. Connect with us on Social Media!


Romans 8:26-28 26
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 27 And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. 28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

In Christ,
Awakening Serving Team



Quick words of encouragement from Awakening Church NYC,

Grace is something that is given to you and not earned or deserved. Like a murderer that is released from his punishment of death, we are released from our punishment of sin. Nobody can release us from this death. Nobody can give this amount of grace even if they wanted to. The amount of grace that is given is based upon the giver of grace and we have a GREAT God indeed. Even by you breathing, living, moving and being allowed to go through this day is by the grace of God. We never know our time. Treasure this grace that you have been given and live in it. Return your thanks to God and live for Him today!

Hebrews 4:14-16

14 Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

His grace is sufficient for us because we have one that can relate to our sufferings.

In Love,


Upcoming Events @ Awakening Church!


This event is catered for everyone and anyone.  From seekers to Christians, everyone is welcome to come and hear about HIS story.  The gospel, the word of Christ.  Come visit and see what we have in store.  There will be music, games, performances and more!


Our first post to the Awakening Church’s website! Give us a few days while we compile everything together!